So it's that time of year again, the time I hate the most. It's time for me at least to put a wrap on my winter steelhead season. Yeah there are still some freshies coming up but for me the fun is gone. I don't want to hook downers or mistakenly fish over spawners to find the few fresh fish coming up. Most of which are hens and I just feel they should be let to do what they need to. My season on the coast was mediocre at best and the same as the inland rivers. We saw some good days but, as last year it was pretty tough. But you still gotta love it, when you do get one they're usually the fish you fish for all year. So when you land a few winters on the swing they rarely disappoint and you can take satisfaction in that you chose the hard road to hook your fish.
So cheers to the winter fish that burn through my veins all summer, till we meet again...
Many of you have seen the little movie Ryan Peterson put together of dry fly fishing in the summer, right. If not...
Ryan has been dedicated to getting the goods, as much as the most avid of steelheaders. Most trips he wouldn't even bring a rod or flies or anything else fishing related. I think we got some really good footage, and it's up to Ryan to make it presentable which I have no doubt he will. Should be good.
Some shots of recent trips...
So all is not bad, this is the time of year I get to have an actual life, or one that is accepted by society. The "cold beers" are calling from the bars and live music has definitely been on hold too long.