Well, it took me long enough but, I've finally got a website. Check it out http://www.steelheadwater.com
So, there are very few fish around right now. I've been lucky enough to get in touch with a couple of un-landables. But, after spending the last few months doing yard work, planting a garden and tying flies, it felt good to be on the water again. My casting sucked, as it usually does in the beginning. The smells on the rivers now are intense and it's nice having the water to yourself, no sensible angler would be plying the waters for steelhead. I'm just not a sensible guy when it comes to steelhead, like in Dumb and Dumber, "So you're saying there's a chance!".
Looking forward to the upcoming season, I think it's gonna be good one. I have very few days left in July, if you're flexible we could probably work it out. August is beginning to fill but, I have some prime-time days left in early August. Get in touch and let's fish!