Whitney Gould, Jason Hartwick and Rich Zellman are stoked to offer these "spey schools" again this year. Come join us for our third year to be engaged in all things spey/all things steelhead for three days of on the water instruction.
We designed the Jefferson Spey Sessions to target sink-tip and floating line spey cast fundamentals, both for those who are developing new skills and those who want to continue to evolve and refine what they already know. No spey casting experience required!
Gain confidence in the swung fly for summer/fall steelhead, wherever they may take you. Spend three days floating the lower Klamath in one of the wildest corners in California. Big, broad, classic, bouldery riffles and never ending tail-outs invite the spey rod and swung fly. With the Klamath’s famed half-pounders eager to pounce and the bigger late run fall adults beginning to show, opportunities to put new skills to the test abound. Whitney, Jason and Rich share a passion that is unmatched for teaching, spey, steelhead and watching their students grow. Experience a day with each of them and you’ll emerge from the Jefferson Spey Sessions a spey caster and more seasoned angler.
Enjoy three nights of lodging at Sandy Bar Ranch, which sits atop of the mighty Klamath. Cabins built in the 50’s, of clear grain redwood and old growth douglas fir. Steelhead fisherman of the time would rent these cabins for weeks on end to revel in the spoils of the lower Klamath. Guests return year after year. Simple, efficient cabins nestled amongst the trees offer, clean, comfortable rooms and all the necessary amenities, at double occupancy(single occupancy available). Jason, Rich and Whitney are excited to share this place with you!
Each of the Jefferson Spey Sessions are limited to six angler students to ensure quality one-on-one instruction.
Two sessions are available for this coming fall season:
November 2-5
November 9-12
Location: Sandy Bar Ranch, Orleans, CA
Cost: $1795 includes three nights of lodging, all meals , and three full days of guiding/instruction
Jefferson Spey Sessions will cover the following and more:
How to execute all key spey casts, both river right and river left
What equipment works best for you and the rivers you fish
How to swing flies through different water types
How to read steelhead holding water
Fly selection for summer/fall steelhead
What to Bring:
2017 California fishing license and steelhead report card
Waders, boots, warm layering and rain jacket
Personal fishing gear(no spey rods or reels yet, no problem. They can be provided.)