The days begin long, never-ending sun showers that fight the darkness, giving in for a mere few hours at a time. Mars, visible in the early morning, before first light, leading south-westerly weary-eyed coffee consuming self toward a feeling. The days are young, full of excite and hopefulness for an early pull.
The hunt begins
Early run
Watch your step
Ron with a magnificent wild buck that hurdled its way to us then past. Without a doubt one of the coolest things I’ve seen.
We got him, Denny with a player that took a few days to figure out
Something special everyday
Puffs over Mott
Jess with the perfect freckled North hen
Hossein with an absolutely stunning hen
A favorite tree
Kevin Gray with one of the handsomest bucks I’ve seen
Where he should be
Peter with a 78th birthday fish
Matt trying not to smile
Flat light is good light
He knows all the good spots
Bruce with a last chance fish
Chris with a subtle take leaper of a buck
The beginning signs of fall
Last run
As the sun moves south, as do I. Mars now welcomes in the early darkness of night. Fall is charging and with it comes a full nights sleep. Change is happening.
Coming soon to a winter steelhead river lunch menu
Mi hombre Juan
Taylor Moore with the three B’s: Beauty, Burky & Bogdan
Armin Drake, you never forget your first
Janet with a screamer
Back of the front
James with a blushing buck
Almost got him, Matt with the perfect southern hen
Stay with me clouds
Wall of elephants
Phil Trask with one we had no business landing
While hard, it is time to say goodbye to the dry-fly. There he is, an ode to the dry…
It has been a long, unforgettable season. So many good times, tough times and everything in between that make steelheading. I cannot thank those enough that came fishing with me but, thank you! Look forward to seeing many of you again soon.
Rich & Blue